FEBRUARY 22, 2025

The BIG CHILL is a snowshoe event that offers three challenging distances – 5kms, 15kms & 30kms – set in the beautiful Annapolis Valley. The event fundraises to support youth-at-risk in Annapolis County.
On February 22, 2025 join us solo or grab a group and sign up for your distance of choice together! It's a great way to spend a winter day with friends & family!
*Kids 12 & under are free (with the registration of an accompanying adult for the 5kms route). * First Responders are 50% Off
ALL participants, regardless of age, must register and complete a waiver.
The BIG CHILL takes place on North Mountain, on a retired ski hill and along wooded trails, just outside Middleton.
Start Times:
8:00am - 30kms
10:00am - 15kms
2:00pm - 5kms
The safety meeting and dinner is hosted the night before (February 21) by the planning committee at Lawrencetown Education Centre. Full details to be communicated with event participants closer to event.
Registration Fee:
*Kids 12 & under are free (with the registration of an accompanying adult for the 5kms route)
* First Responders 50% Off
Registration includes:
Access to 5kms, 15kms or 30kms trails on North Mountain
Pre-event safety report & meeting
On-the-trail event support
BIG CHILL swag kit
Participation recognition at finish line
Post-event warm meal & beverages
Each snowshoer must reach their fundraising minimum to participate, but of course more is encouraged;)
5kms - minimum $300/person
15kms & 30kms - minimum $500/person
Sign Up:
To participate in The BIG CHILL 2025 follow these steps:
Step 1: Register for the event
Step 2: Set up Fundraising Page
Once you’ve registered you’ll receive instructions on how to set up your online fundraising page for The BIG CHILL 2025.
Step 3: Pay your Registration Fees
Registration is $60/person (except for kids 12 & under and 50% off for First Responders).
We accept e-transfers to BIGCHILLrotary@gmail.com. Be sure to include in the memo area “BIG CHILL” and your full name so we can easily match it up.
What happens if there's no snow on February 22?
Great question! We have March 1 as a rain date, if needed, but being Maritimers, we just roll with it and it goes on as a winter hike!
Need snowshoes?
Hike Nova Scotia has a great list of places you can buy, rent or borrow them from here.
For more information, please contact BIGCHILLdirector@givetolive.ca
My BIG CHILL bursary helped me pursue my goal of completing the CCA program at NSCC.
Even though a few challenges popped up, I worked hard and reached my goal!
I signed my first contract last week and am grateful for the support I received from everyone
(through The BIG CHILL) along the way!"
BIG CHILL Bursary Recipient

Annapolis County has the second-highest child poverty rate in Nova Scotia at 33.7%*. That means that more than 1 in 3 children in Annapolis County live in poverty.
* According to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, in the 2021 Report Card on Child and Family Poverty in Nova Scotia.
More than 1 in 3 children in Annapolis County live in poverty.
These numbers are daunting but reflect the importance of supporting youth at risk in Annapolis County through innovative and impactful projects. Thanks to the generous support of BIG CHILLers over the last nine years, many meaningful developments and individual impacts have been made to support the mental, physical and emotional health of youth in our area.
By participating in and donating to The BIG CHILL you show the youth-at-risk who live there that you see them & believe in them.
In recent years thanks to the generosity and commitment of CHILLers and donors, a multi-use outdoor court in Lawrencetown, Annapolis County was built. This court provides outdoor recreation space for local elementary and high school students, as well as for other youth in the community.
In 2025 a portion of funds raised will support maintenance of the Second Lake Outdoor Education site, including the outdoor classroom and canoe launch. The outdoor programming provided at this site helps to strengthen the social, emotional, and physical wellness of youth-at-risk in the area through outdoor, hands-on, experiential learning education activities. It’s also a special portion of our BIG CHILL trail that student volunteers work hard to maintain!
In addition to this project, over the years BIG CHILL funds have supported youth-at-risk through:
Innovative outdoor education programming
Scholarships & bursaries
Providing food, clothing, and other necessities to youth and families in Annapolis County
Development of community mentoring opportunities
Financial support for recreational and social/emotional extracurricular activities
Support in exploring and accessing post-secondary education
Workplace readiness & training
Transportation to essential, employment & recreational appointments and opportunities
In turn, these youth give back with their hands-on & service learning to the community.

"The programming and support provided to my son over the years (and the dedicated mentors he had along the way), played a role in helping him grow into the awesome young man he is today!
He participated in outdoor learning activities, community strength events, and got to go away to multiple competitions. He also received a bursary to attend NSCC from The BIG CHILL. He's volunteered at The BIG CHILL for the past two years and became a mentor to younger students and kids in our community."
Parent of a youth who has accessed funds raised through The BIG CHILL